Stacey Lederman
This period of time during covid 19 has been a very challenging one. Although there have been some silver linings, like spending more time together as a family, on the whole I have struggled to try to balance keeping us and those around us safe while dealing with the restrictions of this new reality. The series I started creating in 2019 called " Vibing" mirrors the juxtapositions that exist in society yet focus on how everything ultimately shares commonality. They attempt to show how exploring overlap or similarities leads to a positive outcome and perhaps even a beautiful or worthy discussion in the difference itself. They reflect how everything, progress, history, current climates, and even colour combinations flow and begin to share energy when connection is the focus, rather than difference. Each buddha tells its own story with the imagery on the top being the opposite of the bottom and yet pulled together in the centre message to encourage one to consider how both sides can work together in balance. This particular buddha "in this together" struck me as very reflective of the current moment in time as well as an example of messaging that is very reflective of me. In terms of a self portrait, walking our way through the meaning, imagery and text in this particular piece, is like telling the story of my nature, experiences and struggles. Although I did not intend it as a self portrait at the time, I now realize it mirrors my own story of duality. Having time to reflect upon this was very interesting for me as I realize how we all have different sides to our life and personalities. Finding a way to embrace them all in balance allows us to be the best version of ourselves. It also reminded me about how we all need to look after ourselves, but also the environment and community at large in order for us to thrive as a society.