Ruslan Baranov
my name is Ruslan Baranov, I am the dancer, choreographer and teacher of contemporary dance and contact improvisation from Ukraine. I teach at the National University of Culture and Art, with my wife we give classes on contact improvisation at the city for nondancer, and in general CI (contact improvisation) is a big passion of mine. I organize festivals, perform at the stages to open it to the people - dancers and not dancers. Because this unique form - is about really enjoying the process of dance and about finding harmony with environment and also finding my place in the space. So in this case - CI was my way to go through isolation. Actually we could not dance with the full power, but at least we could dance together.
And the work we present now - turned to be about living through isolation being not alone. When day and night are mixed sometimes, and when your partner wants your attention, when you are not ready for that. Somehow it will keep a memory of these months for us. And when we can not find a dialog with the words, we still can find it through movement. Also this is our attempt to keep on doing what we like, although it is nearly impossible. But care and tenderness - that keep the world, that is going to be ruined, together.
we attach two videos - our dance through isolation at home and our dance at the dancehall, where we have enough space) both present beauty of CI, that can adjust to any conditions (dancers Ruslan Baranov, Marina Baranova)