Jules Glaspy

Julie Glaspy Artist statement 

By choosing stone as my medium I feel a real connection to my surrounding environment. With much respect for the density and permanence of stone, I introduce movement and light through my art. In my work I explore both natural and abstract forms. All the while breathing life into the stone with strong yet sensual curves and changing angles. Using the light from the passing sun, shadows are drawn out, dramatically changing the effects of the sculpture. Drawing the eye in. Changing the perspective of the audience in relation to the stone itself and the individual view. Often art is about finding beauty in places where it is not always commonly seen; for me art is about making something out of nothing, which is one of my main attractions to stone. Stone is a statement of the past, holds a dramatic impression in the present moment, and with its permanence is an inspiration to the future.

Dream Of Flight (Marble sculpture, Quadra Island), Self Portrait Submission

At first glance, the overall shape of the sculpture is a scapula, a bone in the human form, which projects out of the back of the body. A bone that could be a remanence of where our wings were once. The soft gentle shapes and light airiness of the marble sculpture implies the thought of a dream, one of our most ultimate dreams, that of flight. 

The breath of life can be felt in the stretching sinewy figure coming out of the stone, out of the dream, into reality.  Expanding and, growing, the figure pushes, breaking through invisible barriers. With strength, beauty and graceful perseverance I stand before you, raw and exposed for all to see, daring to dream, daring to break through the norms, daring to create a world of possibility.

Julie was born and raised in Saint John, NB, graduated from University 

of New Brunswick with a Bachelor of Kinesiology. Now living on Quadra Island, BC. She found her own way to stone, travelling the West Coast, carving small intimate pieces.  Julie has been 

exploring stone in its many forms and functions for many years. She has trained and 

worked as a stone mason. Julie has embraced both ends of the rock carving spectrum from beautiful intricacy to monumental impact. Julie took the knowledge and skills gained participating in international ssymposiums and completed her first large scale solo project for the International Children's Memorial Park (ICMP), PEI, 2015. After her introduction to sculpture symposiums, in 2014, Glaspys work has moved into monumental sculpture in granite and marble in Canada, Italy, Germany, USA and Nepal. Primarily self taught, Julie continues gathering skills and techniques while representing Canada in international sculpture symposia and locally in shows and art events in British Columbia and New Brunswick.

Dream of Flight Julie Glaspy.jpeg
Dream of Flight (2) Julie Glaspy.jpeg
Dream of Flight (3) Julie Glaspy.jpeg

Karen Dear


Skye Miranda